Quantum Number and Atomic Orbital’s :-
electron in an atom is described by four different Quantum Number, three
of which (n, l, m,) Specify the wave function that gives the probability of
finding the electron at various point in space. The fourth quantum number gives
idea about the spinning motion of an electron . A wave function for an electron
in an atomic in called an Atomic Orbital. Quantum number are defined as
a set of four number with the help of which one can get complete information
about all the electrons in an atom like the type of location , energy the kids
of orbital occupied, shape and orientation of that orbital etc.
1.Principal Quantum
Number (n):-
tell us about the shell in which the electron resides and is denoted by the
letter ‘n’. It can have any positive value 1,2,3 and so on . So, n=1 signifies
that electron in the first orbit. The principal quantum number gives the
following information;
1. It gives the
average distance of the electron from the nucleus.
2. It determines the
energy of the electron in hydrogen atom and hydrogen like species.
3. The maximum number of
electron present in any principal shell in gives by 2n2, here
n is the orbit number or principal quantum number.
Shell K L
Principal quantum
number(n) 1 2
3 4
Maximum number of
electrons 2 8
18 32
from this, the angular momentum of an electric in an orbit can be calculated using
the formula, mvr= nh/2π , here too n
the principal quantum number.
2. Azimuthal or
Angular Momentum Quantum Number (I) :-
Azimuthal Quantum Number mainly deal with
the shape of a subshell unlike the principal quantum number which deal with size of an orbit. It
represents the number of subshell present in the main shell and in denoted by
‘l’. It can have any value ranging from 0 to -1. So, it quit obvious that value
of l are n dependent. It means that if the value of n is 3 then l=0,1,2. This quantum
number gives the following information;
1. The number of
subshells present in the main shell.
2. The shape of the
3. The orbital angular
momentum of the electrons in any subshell, L = (l (l+1) )1/2h/2π (For a particular value of n)
the value of l = 0. It refer to s-subshell, l = 1, it refer to p-subshell.
Similarly, l = 2 refer to d-subshell and l = 3 refer to f-subshell etc.
3. Magnetic Quantum
Number (m) :-
Magnetic Quantum Number primarily deal with orientation of an orbit in three dimensional space. Orientation
refer to the position of lobes of the orbital’s along different axes.
For example, in case of p-subshell or sub orbit, the
three orbital’s are designated as px py and pz
depending upon the orientation of lobes or the
maximum density of electron along the x, y, z, axis, respectively.
4.Spin Quantum Number (s) :-
An electron in an atom not only
revolves around the nucleus but also spin about its own axis. It is very
similar to earth which not only revolves around the Sun but also spin about its
own axis. Since an electron can spin either in clockwise direction or in
anticlockwise direction, Spin Quantum Number can acquire two values +1/2 and
-1/2 and these are represent by two arrow pointing in the opposite directions
i.e , # and $.
an electron occupies a vacant orbital, it can have a clockwise or anticlockwise
spin i.e +1/2 or -1/2.
following table gives the various permissible values of different quantum
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